Category Archives: Freelancing

Spring Renewal

What does spring mean to you? Does it mean renewal, revival or something similar to that?

Have you ever wondered why it is that the season of spring is when many families across the nation choose to do some major cleaning projects? It always was that way in my parent’s household so that I never questioned why before.

I wonder how much of the expectation of spring cleaning has to do with finally getting out of the doldrums of the lack of Vitamin D that winter brings? Maybe once the weather begins to warm up the majority of us have more of a zeal to get things done for that very reason.

Even though I worked today, I still feel that I accomplished quite a bit. I really think it has something to do with the temperature in our area being around fifty degrees. I’m sure it also helped that I drank an energy beverage to stop me from needing a nap once I returned home from work.

I wrote a post on my freelancing blog, did several reviews on the writing web site that I’m a part of, did some vacuuming, several loads of dishes and am now working on a post for this blog.

I have been wanting to get up earlier than usual so I can tackle the day faster and get more done around here before we begin working on windows again. Once that begins, my extra time will be more limited, although, maybe I’ll still have some of the zeal to tackle projects as the weather continues to get better.

We’re not out of the woods yet, as far as winter weather and snow is concerned, but at least the ice that is all around us is quickly melting, which will make it much easier for those traversing the sidewalks around town. Any snow that we do get in the next six weeks should be short-lived and melt fairly quickly.

My eldest daughter has just informed me that she’d like to work for us again this year and help out with my bookkeeping. Last year she did it for free to help off-set some expenses we helped her with years ago. This year she is hoping we can afford to pay her as she’d like to get a loan for a newer car than the one she currently has.

If this works out, it may give me even more time to continue to work on specific projects—organizing filing and storing previous year tax info and the like—exciting to consider if we can make it work.

As an aside, I was surprised while looking for some related articles to include, just how many people have written posts about spring cleaning. They are everywhere!

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Filed under blogging, bookkeeping, Freelancing, Spring cleaning, tackling projects