Category Archives: 30 Day Blogging Challenge

Moving a Couple of Posts

I’ve decided to move the blogging challenge posts to my freelancing blog which is probably where I should have put it in the first place. Then I’m going to move a bunch of articles from a different website where they have been residing since around 2010 to this blog.

They are shutting down their website. When I joined someone contacted me by email and asked if I wanted to write five articles for a sum of thirty dollars. They gave me a list of what they had in mind. I didn’t like all the ideas they gave me, I think some of them were card games like black jack, which I know nothing about. I wanted to write about gardening.

Working with each other we came to an agreement and I thought I had a month or so to write them and then found out that they invert the month and date as it is a company from England, and I really only had a couple of weeks to get the articles in. That meant that I not only had to write the articles, but I had to set up a profile and learn how to get around their site.

I did get the articles done in time and they sent me a check for not only thirty dollars, but I got paid forty dollars for my time and effort. I had hoped that the articles  and others I wrote over the course of a few years would continue to make money, but no more money ever came my way.

Recently, I considered pulling all the articles, but they had sent me a letter telling me that they were revamping the site and that they hoped I would like what they came up with, so I’ve been waiting to hear when it would be done.

I just remembered that when I read their letter again they talked about a different site they put together at a different address. I guess I may just as well take a peek at it first before putting them all on here as my goal is to be paid for my writing, and if that is a possibility there, I’m willing to give them a try.

A few years ago I worked with a different company entirely that is still online and doing a great business. I was able to make over one hundred dollars with them. The payment was based on views and how many ads were clicked on your pages. That company was

They revamped the site and decided to stick with those that had degrees in writing and journalism unless the writers had a certain percentage of articles on the site already, which I did not.

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Filed under 30 Day Blogging Challenge, blogging,, Writing

Last Minute Decisions

Again, at the last minute, I decided to take part in a challenge put on by the writing group I’m always talking about. The challenge is blogging for thirty days. You probably know that there are thirty-one days in December, but the person in charge of the challenge has nicely given everyone New Years Eve off, isn’t that nice of her?

I will be using this blog for the challenge and utilizing prompts for the posts each day. I may post extra if I want to write about things other than the challenge, but I may decide to post that on the Freelancing site instead.

If any of you are interested in checking out my portfolio on the writing site, it can be found at: http://www.Writing.Com/main/portfolio/view/sha4852?rfrid=sha4852. If anyone decides to join the site, it is free to join although everything isn’t available to free members. Even those members that ‘pay’ for their membership rarely have to pay in actual cash. But that can be explained if you join the site.

First post for the challenge coming up shortly.


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Filed under 30 Day Blogging Challenge, blogging, Posts, Writing,